Random person on deviantArt asked for this. I have no idea if she actually ever got it done, as I create and molt devArt accounts like a new snakeskin skirt that looks SUPER AMAZING and IS GOING TO BE THE BEST and WORN EVERY DAY THIS TIME I SWEAR MOM until I wear it twice, it starts to itch, and smells like, well, dead snake. Then off to the internet ether it goes.
Someday, I imagine all my abandoned devArt/Elfwood/etc. accounts are going to gundam up into one hideous, malformed and backgroundless beast and come looking for vengeance on the cruel creator what left it in the web equivalent of an abortion clinic dumpster; thank God I didn't get good at drawing proportionate bodies or people without spina bifida until way later on, or I'd have to worry about them, you know, walking after me all upright.
I'll... get... you... even with my question mark of a spine!
Hahaha, dat tumory arm
Needs a background, eh?
*Why not STARS******
He didn't end up getting it, if only because he got himself kicked out of the military for smokin' the ganja, getting hauled in for Operation Golden Flow, and then promptly surrendering AND ratting out all his friends. Pretty sweet design though, right, Space Cowboys?
Has she ever seen a gun? Let's pretend she hasn't so it's just a little sad.
It also helps if they have experience drawing whatever it is you're looking for; for example, if you want a dragon of a European style, and the only dragon said artist has to their name is an Asian monstrosity with fortune cookies that invoke a Georgia-O'Keefe-ordered-Chinese vibe, well. Like the coat hanger said to the excited fetus, prepare for disappointment.
Why yes I did own a few deep-chest-bodied dogs, why do you ask?
This was for Mike. Mike was another guy I met on the ol' dA, except unlike Random McWhat'shertits up there, I actually liked the guy a lot, particularly when he brought me in on a project of spectacular distaste. I mean, how could you not love a guy who would order up the tattoo above? He ended up quitting dA too (if you needed another example of how neato the kid was) but we Facebook friended, so, it's pretty legit you guys.
Did I mention the re-appropriated superheros as fan characters?
Anyways, any of you kids want a design, keep ol' Tennaners in mind, eh? Eh?
...where are you going?