Oh my heavens oh my stars, how overlooked and forgotten is *this* thing? Lots to do, lots having happened, so let's hit the recaps:
- I moved. The military had me sequestered in Nebraska, land of cold and corn. My specialty while in the service held me fast even after I got my standard GCD; I ended up sticking around the Midwest, working in the same building and same job as when I'd been enlisted. (Cuter shoes, though, so it evens out.) But lo, an opening... opened up in my home state, the glorious West, the Golden State, land of skipping the crappy seasons, and moved did I, back to California. Not only was this a solid career-type move, but it got me away from some of the dram-dram and general awfulness hinted at a few posts ago, too. So for those few friends still stuck in the flatlands, don't be blue; I'm in a better place, where I can run around with other ex-linguists.
- I stopped smoking. This is notable because of why I stopped- somehow, I picked up a beau, and as he is of the non-smoking variety, it seemed a polite thing to do to not foist upon his delicate palate the gritty reality of lung-butter-breath. The fact that I met a dude who warranted that sort of change is a little awesome, too- all the others either came before I picked up smoking (because smoke breaks rule, to this day) or were told, politely,
But then along came A, and he's pretty rad, so it's looking like my days of cadging a smoke in every parking lot have come to a stinky, ashy end.
- I picked up a trainer, and she's awesome. Well, first I got a dude trainer, and that little debacle is likely the next post I post, but. THEN he got all fired and I got a girl trainer and she is great at all the exercise programming, which is important because this is the year I accomplish another fitness goal: figure model competition. So there will be postings about that, too.
- ART. I am figuring out more and more that I really probapossibly should learn Photoshop, or at least how to color things on computers. Until I either take a summer course in this area or figure it out via blind flailing (which is how I learn most things, honestly) I will be working on, well, lots of random things. Newest random thing? CROSS STITCH PATTERNS.
- Finally, NETFLIX RECOMMENDATIONS. It seems like the Flix gets less and less good content as time goes on, so this is both a request and a service- I can thoroughly recommend Once Upon a Time, Better Off Ted, and if you grew up with morgue humor at the supper table, well... the entire run of Law and Order: SVU is on there, too.
This has been your random recap. Thanks for reading!